Lewis: The first thing you talk about is to add skills and attributes. I need to point out that we have just carried out a lot of skills and characteristics updates. How do you think now there are lot of skills and characteristics what need us to invest more effort and improve of its existence a sense of the problems? Expect for this, too much skill to join will affect the balance of the game or not?
Colin: I think we’ll avoid these. Traditionally, we might add a lot of skills and characteristics on the film one. We are not sure there will be any piece of information, but we knew we needed an attractive reward progressive system that allows players to truly feel his role is growing. We believe that the skills and characteristics of the system compared to other reward system are more obvious, so we want to keep in the game to add the skills and characteristics to make the role of constant growth. This does not mean that we are just adding skills, so that they destroy the game balance. We will ensure that the newly added skills with existing skills equilibrium, but also to ensure that we add skill to have enough useless.
Another benefit to add a new skills and characteristics is to make that we can clean up and combinations of existing capacity. It might make a lot of existing skills more effective. We hope that these added skills can match out more build and gives players more choices. Maintaining balance is very important. In the first PVP athletics season, we may not introduce new skills. In PVE and WVW, we will regularly add skills, so that players can slowly adapt and learn.
Lewis: could I ask how many skills you want to add at the end of year?
Colin: Lots of skills are already joined in the design or in the preparing. We will not join too much; otherwise our game may be out of control, which results in loss of balance. We did a calculation and obtained a reasonable add rules, we will not do like a tone of skills like fighting.
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